My ego is being slaughtered
and it ain't pretty or enjoyable.
My human has been so irritated and hateful. Grasping at what her ego knows yet at the same time, lashing out and annoyed with 3D life and the customs that keep me tethered here (like text messages) I apologize for wanting to be alone but it needs to happen more and more....
I know I have to let go of this reality to follow where spirit is leading but, there's still grief.
Every day we need to give ourselves over to our higher selves and divine will.... while still processing the humanness assimilation of allllllll the letting go...
It feels crazy.
It feels right.
It feels urgent.
I am totally fine, 100% guided, but I also don't feel like "myself" anymore -
My selves have an agenda;
I am here to work.
And I lovingly remind you
To get to yours.
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