Shine Bright You Bitch

It is a simple request.  And I've been gearing up this last week of 2020 to do just that.  It makes me wonder and makes me doubt if I can pull it off when the very act of making intentions to be more positive seems to surface some nasty bitchy vibes, an awareness of the pull of duality and quite frankly, a wantingness to sleep.  lol.  LIKE OKAY SPIRIT - You BETTER HELP ME!!!!  Cuz I have like 2 days to purge this and POWER UP.

So I've decided to set the return date to H.O. as 1-11-2021 because one eleven is a fun number and hopefully the numbers will add fuel to the restart..... part of me wants me just leave the podcast as it is.  We really DID leave on an awesome note with the fast flowing focused vibe of Pick a Path: Light or Dark and truly, that WOULD be an awesome way to walk away...

But.  I guess I am suppose to walk back to it for a second beating of a dead horse lol.

Good lord.

So the 20 weeks have been planned for 2021 and it looks really fun and MASSIVE.  Twenty new herbs to get to know as the Herb of the Week and on Wednesdays, the Manifest More series is going to be upgraded to Triple Power Ups and I'm honestly not sure how the fuck that will go.  Seems like A LOT.  But I trust Spirit can flow thru me if I allow it and not worry about it... My job is just to remember what day it is and SHOW UP. 

As always, thanks for joining me, thanks for doing your inner work and thanks SO MUCH for shining bright you bitch!!!  hahahahaha I assume we are 2 peas in a pod lol MUCH LOVE!! 
