I love my life


As I am crawling into bed tonight, snuggling in to the heating pad pulling the covers up to my tits, I am feeling so thankful for this easy-going… SUPER EASYGOING, life I am able to lead right now. my day included a morning full of podcast recording, YouTube uploading and creative pursuits. My afternoon included a Walmart pick up, snagging some library books that were ready for me at the counter, and several hours of reading on the porch while for a 30 second-long point,  enjoyed a hummingbird dance in front of my face, looking into my eyes… It’s the most exquisite hummingbird interaction I have had, as of yet.  

These books by Lynn V. Andrews are taking me into a place I cannot explain. Do her readers normally cry for the first 39 pages?? I feel so connected to her story instantly. Copyright 1981. Perhaps some of the tears are when you realize you’re going to learn so much from this lady... This lady who has walked the path before you. I have been feeling the call to step in to my own power. Lynn is going to be my guide. 

Along with Flossie! Oh my God - she just tapped me on the shoulder and cleared her throat. Lol 

I have so many guides to be so thankful for from many different walks of life. It is very interesting to me how I can feel connected to many different ancestors: Native American, Hindu, Mayan, Sicilian, Pleadian.... lol, don’t get me started! The list is long! 

“The Dreamers are those who see the dream of themselves and others.”
